أسئلة اللغة الإنكليزية الدور الأول 2024 صف السادس العلمي

أسئلة إنكليزي الدور الأول 2024 صف سادس علمي , حل أسئلة الإنكليزي السادس العلمي دور اول 2024 , أسئلة واجوبة اللغة الإنكليزية الدور الأول 2024 صف السادس الاعدادي الفرع العلمي لغة إنكليزية

أسئلة امتحان دور اول صف سادس علمي 2024 مادة الإنكليزي

• اسم المادة : اللغة الإنكليزية
• سنة الامتحان : الدور الأول للعام 2024
• اعداد : وزارة التربية اللجنة الدائمة للامتحانات الوزارية

أسئلة لغة إنكليزية للصف السادس العلمي 2024 الامتحان الوزاري دور 1 

- تنبيه : يتم رفع الأسئلة بعد انتهاء الوقت الرسمي للامتحان

تحميل وتنزيل الأجوبة والحلول النموذجية أسئلة إنكليزي الوزاري دور اول 2024 صف السادس الاعدادي العلمي

الأسئلة طباعة نص
Reading Comprehension (20 Marks) 
Q1. A / Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow:         
(10 M.) 
We all know that shopping online is useful. It saves time and effort. You can buy what you want any time. It’s 
a form of electronic commerce which allows the users directly buy goods from a seller over the internet. 
However, my opinion changed when I decided to buy a present to my daughter on her birthday. I visited the 
websites for electronics until I found what I wanted and ordered a modern computer. The delivery arrived in 
one week. I opened the box. Inside, there were a keyboard, a mouse, a screen and a lot of wires. After spending 
an hour trying to put all parts together, it still didn’t work. At once I called them to send it back. They were 
sorry. After three days, a new computer arrived. It was great and my daughter was happy. When you shop 
online, you need to be careful where you shop from. You should buy from trusted sources and make sure you 
read the user reviews of both the seller and the product. 
1. What does the underlined pronoun “it” refer to? 
2. Why was the writer’s daughter happy? 
3. When the writer opened the box, he found some pens and books.     (True / False) 
4. What is the main advantage of shopping online? 
5. Why did the company send him a new computer? 
6. The main idea of the passage is ……………..   (a.  shopping in the mall       
b. shopping online) 
B/ Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book:     (10 M.) 
1. Why does a banker need to be good communicator? 
2. Samira read about the subject of oil in order to …………………….. 
3. In what ways has wind power been used for thousands of years? 
4. The paramedics spotted Mustafa’s mother ………………………….. 
5. How could the police avoid mistakes when using radar speed guns?  
6. “Workaholics” are those people who …………………………….. 
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks) 
Q2. A/ Rewrite the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10)   (20 M.) 
1. How long will I have to / keep on / it?          
(Put the verb and the object in the correct order)  
2. She (walk) home from school when she heard the police siren.          
(Correct the form of the verb)  
3. She is going to her computer course tomorrow night.  I found out she ………………  (Future in the past) 
4. “Where has she been?” I asked …………………            
(Reported question) 
5. Can I borrow that book after you? Here you are. I …………(Complete using “just” and an appropriate verb) 
6. There (be) a house here, but they (knock) it down two years ago. (Use “used to” and the present or past 
7. My uncle deposited the money last week.               
(Write in the passive form) 
8. If my alarm clock had gone off this morning, I (not oversleep).           
9. (see your ticket)               
(Polite request) 
10. ……………………..   And brush your teeth three times a day.       
(Correct the form of the verb)  
(Use an imperative to give advice)  
11. A fee will be charged if you (not have) enough money in your account.    (Correct the form of the verb) 
12. My mother told me to turn down the music. (Use the correct form of “make”) 
B/ Choose the correct word between brackets: (5 only)                       
1. I’ll be all right. You (needn’t / needn’t to) worry about me. 
2. My father, (who / whose) loves reading, buys two or three new books a week.  
3. Put your case in the car. There’s still a (few / little) space left. 
4. If only my father had (gave / given) me a lift. 
5. I have been waiting (since / for) 20 minutes. 
(10 M.)  
6. He studied hard. He (should / shouldn’t) fail the exam.

Vocabulary and Spelling:   (20 Marks) 
Q3. A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box :                    
tour guide  ,   sick  ,    reserve   ,     skin    ,    burnt   ,   enrol 
1. Shaumari is a nature ………………….. in Jordan. 
2. Waste is often ………………….. or buried.  
3. The ………………….. on my leg is very dry.  
4. My sister is a ………………….. She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day. 
5. Next year I plan to ………………….. on a course to improve my English. 
B/ Match the words in List A with their definitions in List B:  (5 only)                                              
List A    
List B 
1. booth    
2. devaluation   
3. cancel    
4. ambitious    
5. admitted    
6. balance    
a. stop something working   
b. allowed into a place 
c. this means that you really want to succeed 
d. the box-like room where interpreters work 
e. the total amount of money in your account 
f. reducing the value of something 
C/ Complete the following with correctly-spelt words. (Choose 5 only)                      
1. picture, pictures ; thief , ……………  
2. joint in the leg: …………… 
3. dependent, independent ; patient , …………… 4. happened, occurred ; called , …………… 
5. appt., appointment ; exp. , ……………  
6. attend, attendance ; register , …………… 
Literature Focus: (10 Marks )  
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions:     
1. When did Mohammed Khudhair write “The Swing”? 
2. The woman bought the Canary from a ………………… 
3. What moral lessons does Mohammed Khudhair try to give in “ The Swing”? 
4. Katherine Mansfield became ………………… of the Queen's college newspaper. 
5. Haleema's father was killed in ………………… 
6. Why did the woman forget the evening star? 
Writing: ( 20 Marks)  
Q5. Choose either A or B. 
A/ Write (100-120) words about ways people can help to improve the environment.  
B/ Write (100-120) words on: The advantages of studying English in Britain. 

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